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Stamp Collections

Every month we clear many single country collections and small lots at attractive prices.

European countries from Albania to Yugoslavia, Andorra to Vatican.
Also some European Colonies, and Overseas.

Prices are in the range £20 to £500++.

Some are fairly complete collections in printed albums such as Safe and Schaubek, others are mixed lots and clearance boxes at bargain prices.

"St Jerome the stamp collector" (with apologies to Durer) graces the front page - we've used the same list format for the list for 30+ years because, if it works well, why change it?

We sell the majority of lots every month. What could be a better recommendation?

All lots are for direct sale.
This is a printed list. You can order the listed stamps by email, postal mail, or phone 01904 400648. Please bear in mind some lots sell quickly - contact us to check availability

If you'd like to receive these monthly lists in the postal mail, just send us your NAME AND ADDRESS and ask for the COLLECTIONS LIST.


Vous lisez un peu l'anglais? Nous offrons tous les mois une liste de plusieurs centaines de collections de tous les pays de l'Europe (de l'Andorre jusqu'à la Yougoslavie, y inclus les Colonies). Prix à partir de 20 Euros, jusqu'à 500+ Euros.
Anciens lots à prix favorables, et collections entières en albums imprimés comme Schaubek, Safe....